That medical study new Egyptian revealed the possibility of using the article "Aldallosjanin" and available in drink, "ring", and that as a medicine natural anti-oxidant and that without any side effects, it's also working to limit the spread of cells, "breast cancer", which has become widespread these days, in addition to the treatment of "heart disease different - and inflammation - and diabetes - and increased body fat - cholesterol - delay the signs of the manifestations of aging."
Dr "Badran" of the research for this article, which was passed during the last two months, they have focused on the importance and that the source of the natural and the impact of medical outstanding, stressing that the last few days have seen a derivation of "5 materials" from the article "Aldallosjanin" which has succeeded in prevent the growth of cancer cells, which opens in the hopes used as a treatment for tumors.
He added, "Badran" that such material will help in the treatment of slow cancers traditional in that you turn, where the active process of absorption of drug famous is used in the treatment of cancer, as they increase in the concentration of intracellular carcinogens and without the occurrence of any effect of the Order of the increase and increase its effectiveness.
He explained Dr. "Badran" that the article "Aldallosjanin" is a natural substance that herald the possibility of their use for the prevention of disease vast a "sugar" and prevention of complications of the heart, and he was separated material which prevents renal fibrosis, which distinguishes the final stage of kidney failure, an anti-inflammatory substance to the effect of high levels of glucose causing "renal fibrosis."
Continued Dr. "Magdy Badran," that there is a recent experiment has been conducted last month "June" past which revealed that the substance "Aldallosjanin" located inside the drink, "ring" could prevent "osteoporosis", especially for the elderly, in addition to the material the other derived from it to work strong antidote protects the body from infections.
Drink treats sugar, heart and malignant tumors
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