The importance of tourism in Egypt

Is the tourism industry of the most important economic activities and fastest growing in the world, they represent more than a third of the size of global services trade, which is mainstay of the modern economy in the new millennium and that through the provision of significant contributions in various fields and walks of life in the contemporary
world, as well as tourism global has expanded twice the rate of growth of world production, has made the tourism industry in Egypt annual growth rates not seen since 1993 and even in 2000, averaging 12.50% and represent more
world, as well as tourism global has expanded twice the rate of growth of world production, has made the tourism industry in Egypt annual growth rates not seen since 1993 and even in 2000, averaging 12.50% and represent more
than twice the rate of GDP growth.
Therefore Egyptian tourism has become the locomotive of economic development as one of the most important exports of Egypt.
The tourism industry has experienced exponential growth during the fourth five-year plan, especially after Egypt entered the era of tourism, the overall diversity of the tourism product and the multiplicity of the tourist areas, and continue to promote campaigns and revitalization of tourism to include all of the markets
** Lifting Egypt's competitive status in new markets and product definition Egyptian tourist comprehensively and effectively - India China.
* Improve the image of Egyptian tourism product at the international level and work to achieve the highest level of quality in the services received by tourists and ensure the fit of these services and fares.
* The development of plans for the development and diversification of tourism products on an ongoing basis and in a form that meets the needs and requirements of foreign markets.
** Launch a publicity campaign in the media, the major exporters of tourist traffic and strengthened through international satellite channels.
Plan Tourism Development Authority until 2017
Plan aims Tourism Development Authority to promote tourism and increase the number of rooms and tourist tourism income and employment until 2017 and reach numbers of tourists to 16 million tourists and increasing the number of tourist nights to 130 million for the night.
And is the main axes of the tourism development strategy are as follows:
• Changing the role of the public sector so that it becomes a blueprint Tourism stimulator and facilitator and to intensify the role of the private sector.
• The development of legal and institutional framework.
• the supply of infrastructure development zones needed.
• preservation of the environment.
• identify priorities for the overall development
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