The book is written by two Americans, two worlds Professor Andrew Newberg of the University of Pennsylvania and is a specialist neurological and psychiatric medicine, and Mark Robert Waldman, a fellow participant in the Center for Studies of spirituality and mental
university itself, both of which have several books published.
university itself, both of which have several books published.
I say all the same it is a Christian but not religious, and does not care if God exists or not, (the Almighty God for what they say), and the second an atheist does not believe in the existence of God (God proved).
The reason for the reference to the doctrine of the authors that the whole book is about faith in God, and the influence of faith and spiritual life of the human brain and nervous system, and mental activities. Facts have proved the authors unquestioned faith as we will see, then led them to that Cherkhma in Atoha justified, and this does not bother us, we're going to take what in their minds of science, and what we leave them in the trap.
Before we show the details of their findings, it is necessary to take a peek at the structure of the nervous system of the human being, and on the scientific methods adopted by the authors to reach the results that we included in the book.
The human brain consists of a hundred billion neurons, all stacked in a human skull, if we knew that the average brain size is 1200 cm 3, it means that every cubic millimeter of the brain contains more than eighty thousand neurons! (Glory creative great), and every nerve cell is divided by the so-called nerve endings, and the approximately ten thousand nerve ending, and relate to the nerve endings per cell counterparts in neighboring cells, forming an estimated trillions of trillions of neural connections between the cells, pose a number hardly myriad of electrical circuits, and these links are circuits that transmit signals and commands between brain cells, and between them and the other members of the human body.
The devices used by scientists in their research, Vohmha devices conducts a survey of the electric brain resulting in what looks like a map of the brain's electrical, showing places where the active and inactive places, based on the electrical activity of nerve connections. Has conducted this survey for a very large number of people over the years, their research long, in various conditions and their psychological and spiritual, Vetosla after many years of scientific research and clinical trials and laboratory, the results of conclusive scientific about the vulnerability of the nervous system of the human activities and spiritual prayer, worship and meditation.
It has proven to these two worlds that the nervous system of a human being is designed to work better and more efficient, stable and longer-lived, if the owner believes in God and the Dodd-loving merciful, worshiped and thinking and meditating in his creatures and puts his trust him and pray for him, and to reflect on this god-Rahim Wadud reduces anxiety, frustration and stress , and increases the sense of security and safety.
How does it happen?
Experiments proved that the authors out "to reflect on God deeply continuously leads to things strange occur in the brain, where the changing activity of nerve clearly, setting off some neural circuits inert activity, while the stop circuits other active work, and arise nerve endings new The brain becomes more interactive with the world around him, and increasingly permeable insight, and begin to change his beliefs. If God means nothing to him (their words this literal) God becomes for him the fact whiter. "
Not only this, but that of the wonders that proven research that the neural circuits that activate and strengthen the activity of spiritual, are the ones responsible for generating a sense of security and safety, compassion and social consciousness, and that the neural circuits that declining activity are those responsible for emotion, anxiety, tension, frustration and stress and the desire in destruction, and spiritual activity regular Smothers susceptibility mind to angry reactions.
Oh Hallelujah, you were all these discoveries at the hands of atheists? Yes, it is that, so it was a big part of the book in question overflows flop in an attempt to justify these discoveries materially, and despite their success entirely in terms of scientific and prove what we have mentioned above and others, they failed completely in justification in trying to find God, it is closer to them from the jugular vein, and Subhan said: "they do not blind eyes and hearts but blinded by the breasts).
Worlds discoveries did not stop at what we have, but there are many others, did not cease when explaining discoveries and proven, but it transcended to research resulted in the tips of very valuable help followed to take advantage of these discoveries and change his life completely.
The irony is that those Nsaúhama almost replicated - without herself, - books of Islamic jurisprudence and Islamic spiritual education curricula. - See more at: http://www.sncbook.com/2013/07/Amazing-Facts-About-The-Human-Mind.html # sthash.i0Iq2sW9.dpuf
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