
Effective ways to solve business problems

To make new work, or run any kind of business, all of this is centered on how to solve problems. Some people are adept at solving problems, and others are not brilliant, it depends on the proportion of a person's intelligence, or sometimes depends on the level of academic learning they received (and perhaps there is an inverse relationship in this regard). But I am convinced that the problem-solving approach can be learned, rather than to rely on that just a gift. Savvy entrepreneurs in solving problems related to any work, considered the best in the
solution of all problems and the effectiveness of which are related to the needs of their customers. In fact, every area of ​​work is considered

relates to solving customer problems, and al-Qaida says, "If there are no problems, if there is no work." And this is a part of daily problems in any business and in any work environment. If we all have to Nhterv Kiffa solve problems. Here you will find the equation of effective adapted from the book by Mr. Brian Tracy, "the power of gilding self" and which I think will help the entrepreneurs to move forward in this context: 1 - Take the time necessary to be able to identify the problem clearly a lot of managers like to move into position to find solutions before that is to identify the problem and its origin. In some cases, small problems become big because of the actions of others are correct. In most other cases, the clarity of the problem may help pave the way and the speed of finding a solution. 2 - the quest to find another way around, "impact" and create opportunities should be noted, that there are some things you can not do anything to them. And these things are not problems, but the reality of life. And often we see a problem, is in fact an opportunity, but disguised body problem. 3 - challenged and reflect on the problem from all angles Be warned if speculated that there is one solution to the problem. The more ways to identify the problem, the more solutions that can tortuous, and thus to reach the best solution to the problem. For example, "Sales slim," we find the cause may be strong competition or non-productive marketing or sale procedures are weak and so on. 4 - redundancy in the question about the cause of the problem, and this step is centered on finding and search for the roots of the problem existing, rather than dealing with the symptoms of the problem. If you do not reach the root of the problem, the problem will be repeated often, and perhaps different symptoms. And this does not waste more time to find solutions to the same problem. 5 - Select more than one potential solution whenever identified more than a solution to a specific problem, often to reach the best solution. The quality of the solution often be in direct proportion to the amount of the proposed solutions to resolve the problem. 6 - Select the priority of the proposed solutions there is a difference between a good solution, and the excellent solution in which a lot of complexity, and the length of time, and do not forget the high financial investment. There is a rule that says "all is a big problem, it was originally a small problem could have been solved at that time 0.7 - Decision select a solution, any solution, then taken a decision about the method used to access the solution. Whenever delayed in decision-making, the higher the cost, and increased shock. Fahadvk must deal with 80% of the problems and quickly. Finally, select your schedule on a particular decision-making and stick with it 0.8 - Select responsibilities will bring a solution, or will the different elements of the solution? otherwise you will not get thing and will continue to be the problem list., and then you will not have sufficient resources and you will have to apply the solution on your own 0.9 - Select a measure of resolve otherwise you will not know when or is the problem was solved or not. solutions to the problem in a complex system often have other effects may be worse than the original problem. persons skilled in solving problems considered are the owners of the highest value in any field., and in fact often be a success "in the ability to solve problems." and in many cultures this is called a "street smart" and is considered a valuable higher than "book smart." and entrepreneurs have discerning Monday.
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