Declared site Facebook last Thursday that he began testing the button "Buy," which appears on the ads and the publications pages to a specific group of companies in the United States means that the user can buy the products that are advertised by the companies without having to get out
of the site . Have not gone a few hours until the announced site Twitter that he had purchased the company CardSpring in order to assist them in achieving its goal to accelerate the business process, and although the synchronization of these declarations may be a coincidence, but it shows the intersection of the aspirations of all of the signatories and shows interest in the field of electronic commerce. Facebook has had experience in financial transactions in the past where invented the virtual currency known as the Credit and established a gift shop, you can send some gifts for your friends against a number of the Credit, and the Facebook accepts payments through the games, and in any case the button "Buy" is clear evidence of the potential use of electronic commerce in Facebook, has said Brian Blau Director of researchers at the site of Gartner, said: It's a complete picture of what aspire to manage Facebook, she wants to be involved in financial
of the site . Have not gone a few hours until the announced site Twitter that he had purchased the company CardSpring in order to assist them in achieving its goal to accelerate the business process, and although the synchronization of these declarations may be a coincidence, but it shows the intersection of the aspirations of all of the signatories and shows interest in the field of electronic commerce. Facebook has had experience in financial transactions in the past where invented the virtual currency known as the Credit and established a gift shop, you can send some gifts for your friends against a number of the Credit, and the Facebook accepts payments through the games, and in any case the button "Buy" is clear evidence of the potential use of electronic commerce in Facebook, has said Brian Blau Director of researchers at the site of Gartner, said: It's a complete picture of what aspire to manage Facebook, she wants to be involved in financial
transactions and are facilitated, in other words, she wants to get on your credit card
As for Twitter, they were not disclose much about its intentions in the past where noted CEO Dick Costolo in 2012 that the administration was considering ways to support e-commerce, and in the following year hired a former director of the company Ticketmaster for the development and improvement of shopping on the site, and occur Blau on this matter as well, saying: "We have seen several indications that Twitter want to do what you are doing Facebook to participate in a physical transactions, I've started to collect credit cards but Facebook Zbgahm by far" in the event of the application of these ideas on the site, both signatories may reap additional profits, as it is expected that health on a percentage of profits or require a sum of money in exchange add a button purchase, but the larger goal, which aspires to the two sites is the use of trade as a way to encourage interaction between users through giving them an additional reason to stay on the site as well as provide them a place for advertisers to promote their products
He spoke Arvind Bhatia, an analyst at the site of Sterne Agee on this matter: "The biggest incentive about this idea is to make the marketing process more user-friendly, and of course if you ended up making these sites supported platform for electronic commerce, this will be a kind of
graft, but I do not think that neither of them wants to turn into Amazon ". Even if possessed both Facebook and Twitter aspirations similar to the aspirations of the Amazon, it is not likely to provide their transition from sites social networking to commercial sites, the existence of users for a long time on social networking sites does not mean they are ready always to buy products, and also added Bhatia: "I've tried gift shop and did not receive experience great success, and this tells us that it is not the best place, which looks forward to people when they are in financial transactions, "it is worth noting that Pinterest is a service tab-based social welfare shopping and financial transactions significantly may have a greater chance in this area if it could Add new tools for shopping on the site
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