Tktekeyat art of positive thinking: Positive Thinking your way to success beware and negative thinking ... Thinking and reasoning ....

Thinking and reasoning, and the skill of listening, attention and skill, and the skill of finding people may wonder: Do I need a man to learn how to think, or how to build the art of thinking in his life? Thinker or not human nature?
Tktekeyat art of positive thinking
The answer to that that man is in dire need to learn the ways of thinking, and to practice his skills because like the need to learn how to speak, and how to deal with people ...
As well as many of the centers and scientific schools and educational institutions in most or - more or less - the Islamic world is not taught to learn the art of thinking or thinking rules or help instilled, or Thabibh when students at all stages in a time when Westerners are making increasing attention in this side or the art, even if a country like Venezuela imposed on his government schools students to study two hours a week substance Highness ((thinking skills)) and trained to teach more than one hundred thousand teachers.
The positive is the beginning of the road to success .. the thought of success always, when you think positively, you actually programmed your mind to think positively, and positive thinking leads to positive actions in most of the affairs of our lives and which helps to learn the right thinking or positive thinking or the art of thinking put some ways, the rules The task that affect you and increase your thinking, and these ways:
1 - stick to a solid faith in God and use it and trust it ....
2 - Optimism well in every order.
3 - to master the skill of comparing things ........
4 - master the skill books or summarize information.
5 - to master the skill of observation or queen note .........
6 - good manners and use appropriate language.
7 - to focus on the positive elements in life ........
8 - formulate hypotheses or discuss certain.
9 - to master the skill of imagination and mental imaging .......
10 - mastering the skill of innovation and out of the ordinary.
11 - benefit from the transfer of expertise from position to another ......
12 - mastering the skill of dialogue and etiquette.
13 - Development of knowledge through reading and writing ........
14 - Avoiding behavioral mistakes with others.
15 - do not make problems control you ......
16 - The use of humor and sense of humor.
17 - exercise.
Now offering you this ...... We are all thinking ... but the question .. Do you think positively or not?
Positive thinking is optimism in every sense of the meaning of this word, and beautiful to look at everything., And to think about the positive impact of an effective and strong in the psyche and the things of our daily lives and future.
And of positive thinking to reflect on yourself well, and you'll find lots of talents and abilities that God HBC them .....
Who is a positive thinker?
Positive thinker, acknowledges that there are negative elements in the life of every person, but believes UUC any problem can be overcome.
The positive thinker, a man estimated life and refuses defeat.
And positive person understands that in order to change the status of the negative thinker to full performance in a manner positive thinker man must possess a serious desire for change.
Tactics program of positive thinking:
1. Be optimistic about everything and say things suggestive of hope .. positive things about your family and your health and your business and your future .. and here Bozcar commend the morning and evening, which calls for optimism and Inshirah ..
2. Interested in diet your mind by reading books or articles or listen to programs elevate morale .. and avoid news stories that talk about the tragedies and crimes .. Read successful conduct of those who Hakqo a resounding success and have overcome enormous obstacles.
3. His positive people .. a list of the names of friends and decided to spend time with the first of them positive.
4. Avoid controversies and conflicts and adverse situations .. and issues of unnecessary and futile to engage in it.
5. Keep your prayers .. and give yourself time to reflect on the wonderful things and beautiful and HBC by God and not least the ability to discover the good in every situation.
6 - Keep your time reading the Koran daily parties.
7. Do exercise sports (an average of 15 minutes per day).
8 - see the sea and swim reasons for the convenience of psychosomatic give positive thinking is great.
9 - serve the people and the community has been instrumental in raising morale, giving comfort conscience.
10 - smile: It has been shown that smiling improves mood, even if there is no real reason to make you smile.
11 - avoid the cumulative effect: I always start thinking negative inter Bsath, that sentence remind you of some way and the other reminds some way until the end of your case to feel very upset. If you want to overcome negative thinking you will have to overcome this effect is cumulative. That the article will show you how you can overcome this cumulative effect to overcome the cumulative effect of this
12 - Find the root of the problem: Often people think passively ignore because of the age-old problem solved, the problem lies in the subconscious mind and a person's mood swings from time to time without knowing why. Of the most important factors that may help you to think positively and are not to neglect your problems.
13 - programming the subconscious mind: the more negative sentences repeated whenever programmed your subconscious mind to think in a negative way and because the subconscious mind Atbermj through repetition. Try as much as possible, but repeated negative sentences and even that was a negative attitude.
Imagine ....... positive thinking leads to positive in most of the business affairs of our lives for it, do the following:
First: programmed yourself to get healing, and you imagine yourself in the best of health and wellness activity.
Second, programmed yourself to be successful in your studies, imagine that you got the highest rating.
Third, even programmed yourself that you are intelligent glossy, imagine yourself as well.
The best time programmable positive or in other words, positive thinking is a stage full physical relaxation before you sleep, and even get used to select those positive thinking positive phrases that will help you without a doubt on the success and excellence, and follow the following:
First: Shoot the positive phrase that suits you more than a picture.
Second, paste the image in front of you frequent places on a daily basis as a senior in the bedroom, next to your desk at the door.
Third: Familiarize yourself looking at these phrases every day.
Fourth, repeated phrases in your mind whenever I remembered constantly.
Positive Thinking your way to success and negative thinking beware!!!
* Positive thinking is a skill that can be learned and mastered so that the road to success and happiness
Many people think that way of thinking, whether negative or positive things are innate with no rights since his childhood, but positive thinking is a skill that can be learned and mastered so that the road to success and happiness in the life of every man, whatever his position or his education. Akl is subject to good training and can gain regulator deep thinking and creative thinking and strategy and rules must wise up to and including:
- Talent:
Every man needs at some stage of his age to discover talents, because the talent buried treasure within each individual must be mined in and take it out and take advantage of it, and every man buried treasure is different from the others and is not a requirement to be a treasure similar to others who are around you. So did the geniuses and Nabgon who put their hands on the treasure and internal Astgloh without boredom or despair.
- Improving thinking:
Man can learn something new, and to make a move and evolve every day from the day before, and this has nothing to do with age and circumstances.
- Expand your mind and out of the narrow circles:
If you are a student, for example, are not confined to the curriculum in preparation for the exam only, and if you are an employee or a factor liberated from the constraints of material gain only, look for the field to develop yourself and your hobbies and activities through it welcomed the world to engage in a broader and more comprehensive.
- Learn the strategy of throwing loads and concerns first hand, and not carry it to accumulate and enter your mind in a state of hopelessness and despair, there are always solutions to the issues that are exacerbated by the small and grow.
- Work on building self-confidence through the assessment yourself in small successes, because the self-confidence and faith increases your determination to advance towards a more successful business.
- Do not let the problems and worries of everyday life Tenseek task related to upgrading Btfkirk, and take advantage of self-criticism for yourself when seclusion to review the strengths and weaknesses and ways to develop them.
- Stay away from daydreaming very distant from reality because they make you compare your dreams Boaqek to intervene in a state of despair, realistic and committed to working on improving albeit modestly better than wishful thinking to build far-fetched.
All of these things help you avoid negative thinking and take you to a world of positive thinking, which in turn will open up new avenues lead to your success and development.
And, God willing, you will see how it will change your way of thinking and you will find yourself moving throughout your life.
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